Dec 11, 2009

Apologies for the lengthy delay in posting ...

The holidays and a personal emergency prevented me from making a more regular contribution to my own blog. Now that all that is over and done with ...
I also have to continue my apologies to Capital head coach Marcos Gallegos, who I wold him during the football season (and he had the audacity to remember!!) that I would do a story on the Jaguar Invitational wrestling tournament, which began today and continues tomorrow in Edward A. Ortiz Memorial Gymnasium. The list of teams in the tournament include the host Jaguars, Santa Fe High, Espanola Valley, Los Alamos Las Vegas Robertson plus perhaps the top contender in Class AAAA - the Moriarty Pintos.
So if you want to see some good, competitive wrestling, I would highly recommend a trip to Capital.
Of course, Gallegos would have liked to have seen me there.
Sorry, bud. Next time.
I insist!